4th Annual MAP Getaway: Food, Fun & Education

4th Annual MAP Getaway: Food, Fun & Education

by Mark Weber, M.Photog.Cr, M.Artist, CPP

The 4th Annual MAP Getaway is over and excitement is high. I find myself wanting more and yet my brain is already on overload from all the incredible new marketing ideas we learned from three of our favorite speakers – Sarah Petty, Bruce Hudson and Melinda and Cristie Reddehase!

I think Anthony Holguin of Raymond Photography, San Juan, CA said it best when he said “My Strategic Marketing plans start with the MAP Getaway”. The mid July timing may seem odd but yet it’s perfect. It gives people a shot in the arm and a head start over the competition heading into the last (and most important) quarter of the year.

Networking with other members from all over the country is such a huge benefit to this event. The chance to discuss important issues with like-minded and dedicated professionals is second to none. Everyone is part of a big family when they join MAP, but they really bond at the Getaway.


Besides all the education and networking, we always have a ton of fun. This year’s theme was a Murder Mystery and we had a live, interactive play during our dinner. I have so many hysterical photographs and videos of our group participating with the actors! The one thing you can’t say is that photographers are shy!  By the way, if you’re wondering who the victim was, it was our own Vice President, Bill Camacho. He was gracious enough to play a dastardly & despicable fellow “actor” that the Rogue Avenue Productions players “poisoned”. Bill performed a great death scene and may have missed his calling in life. Being from New York, his accent provided a great variety to the show.

Oh, and no event would be complete without some pranks? Marathon Press got “forked”. Some Getaway attendees, who shall remain nameless, must feel great remorse after having stuck hundreds of forks in the Marathon Press front lawn that spelled out MAP. Yes, we loved it and the Marathon staff laughed heartily as they pulled up to work the next day. As I was taking pictures of the “crime scene” I had a truck driver stop and ask me if there was some sort of contest or directions to something. Oh, the look on his face as I tried to explain MAP and the prank. It was priceless!

So, in all, we had an incredible time. The MAP Getaway is unlike anything else in our industry in its content and intimacy. We’re already working and planning next year’s Getaway (July 14-15, 2014) and I’m proud to say that we have none other than the great John Hartman already lined up for an all-day presentation. I can’t wait. It’s like Christmas in July!

To learn more about MAP, go to MarketingAdvantageProgram.com


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This article was written by
Mark Weber

Mark Weber M.Photog., Cr., M. Artist, CPP is a veteran professional photographer and marketing consultant with Marathon Press. He spearheads the MAP Program at Marathon Press which helps photographers gain control of their business to take their business to a new level with ongoing marketing support. He holds several Photographer of the Year titles and was recently presented with the PPA National Award, given for outstanding service to the photographic industry.

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