Celebrate Your Relationships


When you consider how fast the world turns these days, thank heavens that the year-end holidays allow us to pause for a moment to remember how important family relationships are to us. Because so many consumers have their minds on family as the holiday season approaches, there’s no better time to advertise “relationship” portraits.

Many photographers portray family relationships through the art of black-and-white imagery. This is an excellent choice for several reasons: black-and-white photography strips composition down in a way that allows emotion to shine through; and black-and-white portraits are a perfect design choice to create a decorative focal point within any style of home, whether they are hung individually or as a collection of images.RelationshipsInside

“Celebrate Your Relationships” is a great theme to use when advertising relationship portraits, because it doesn’t limit portrayals to just the immediate family; there’s no reason why you can’t explore the bond between a pet owner and his or her “fur child.” And keep in mind that Grandparents Day is celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day: It’s hard to imagine a more meaningful tribute to a beloved grandparent than a portrait made with a grandchild!

To strengthen your ad, consider a special offer that at the very least will help to provide an “excuse” to create portraits during the holiday season. Some options:

  • 2 free gift-size portraits for grandparents with the purchase of a wall portrait for your home or office.
  • 24 free holiday cards with the purchase of a wall portrait.
  • A free portrait session for mom and dad at the time of the family session.
  • A free portrait session for each child at the time of the family session.
  • A free gift-size portrait for each child in the family portrait.

It’s important that you prepare to announce your promotion approximately three to four weeks before you expect to do the actual photography. Make certain that all of your promotional materials, including any purchased mailing list, are ready to be launched by this date.

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