Don’t Wait Too Long to Book Schools for Fall

Don’t Wait Too Long to Book Schools for Fall

The next two months are crucial if you want to get accounts booked for fall school pictures. Approximately one-third of schools have not yet selected their provider for next fall, but soon will. You need to get your business into consideration for last-minute opportunities before it’s too late.

Your best chance to book accounts this late in the season will be from the following…

  1. Schools who use a district-wide bidding process. Most of these bids go out from late March through May.
  2. Schools where the PTA makes the decision on which photographer to hire. This usually happens in May or June when the new PTA president and officers are elected.
  3. New charter schools just opening this fall.
  4. Lower income and inner city schools that typically receive second-class service from major competitors.

If you need help getting started, begin by educating yourself about the best practices in school marketing and sales with one of our DVD programs, “ABC’s of School Photography”. This program includes 5+ hours of video content with tips and tactics to win school photography contracts. Once you get the accounts, learn how to conduct a picture-perfect photo day with the follow-up DVD program “School Portrait Techniques”. Learn more at

Want a more hands-on educational experience? Plan to attend the School (and Sports) Photography Boot Camp this Summer in Nashville, TN.  It’s the most comprehensive training class of its type with LIVE shooting demos. It’s only $249 for the 3 day School Boot Camp, $249 for the 3 day Sports Boot Camp or $299 for BOTH if you book soon.  There will also be special programming offered during the School Boot Camp for photographers doing Childcare Center and Preschool photography. Get all the info at

For everything you need to market to schools, check out Marathon’s Total School Package which includes FREE Pre-pay flyers. Marathon can provide you with School Marketing Books, Pre-pay Flyers, a Proofing Program and 65¢ 8×10’s that will bring more money to the bottom line. Check out what Marathon has to offer at

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This article was written by
Chris Wunder

Mr. Wunder is a 30 year veteran in the photo marketing business. His expertise extends from Portrait Studios to Special Events including School Photography, Sports, Yearbooks and Directory publishing. An industry insider, he has worked with smaller, entrepreneurial firms as well as large corporate clients. He is in demand as a consultant, trainer and presenter for conventions and workshops at the regional, national and international level.

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