Fabulous Tips for Higher Print Scores from PPA Judge Keith Howe  Part II

Fabulous Tips for Higher Print Scores from PPA Judge Keith Howe Part II

Whether you are new to print competition or experienced, we all want to know how to maximize our images to get the highest score in print competition. I decided to go direct to the source and tap into one of PPA’s most respected print judges – Keith Howe. He and his wife Holly own and operate Photographic Images in North Platte Nebraska.

Keith is one of those giants in our industry who not only practices what he preaches but is also very sharing and caring. He truly has a passion for helping others and chances are you probably have seen him present a program or appear on various social media sites offering various tips and advice.

Keith’s list of degrees reads like alphabet soup after his name. He’s a PPA Master, Craftsman, Master Artist, and National Award recipient just to name a few. His print awards are endless. Needless to say, Keith is super talented & one of the most creative photographers in the United States let alone Nebraska.

So I invited PPA Print Judge Keith Howe to sit down with me and answer some common questions about how to improve your images for print competition. I was also curious what additional recommendations he might suggest based on his years of experience. He didn’t disappoint.

I got so much great information from Keith that I needed up making this a 2-part Podcast of about 15 minutes each. I made a lot of notes during our discussion and I am excited to put what I learned into good use. So have your favorite app note-taker or pen & paper pad ready to go.

In this podcast you’ll learn:

1. The judging process.

2. What the judges look for.

3. How the first impression is established. (Impact)

4. 2 types of judges – Artistic vs. Technical.

5. What is Image Excellence and how does an image get selected for that?

6. What are the benefits of entering the competition.

7. Is competition right for you?

8. More!

So check out our PODCAST conversation here – KEITH HOWE & MARK WEBER PODCAST – Fabulous Tips for Higher Print Scores Part II.

Missed Part I of our Podcast? Check it out HERE. And if you’re looking for additional resources to help you create better print competition entries, check these out:

The “12 Elements of a Print Merit” that Judges look for? https://www.ppa.com/events/photo-competitions/the-12-elements-of-a-merit-image.

Professional Photographers of America membership info – https://www.ppa.com/benefits.

“The Benefits of Print Competition” – https://old20220701blog.marathonpress.com/benefits-of-print-competition/.

Looking for a great book that shows all the best PPA Image Excellence images in one place? Check out the PPA Image Excellence and Show books – https://www.marathonpress.com/image-collections/

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