Getting Back in the Game…and staying there!

Getting Back in the Game…and staying there!

Intro by Skip Cohen

The best thing about this industry is all about the friendships you make along the way. I couldn’t be more proud to consider Bev and Tim Walden two people who came into my life years ago, back in my Hasselblad days, and I’m still learning from them right down to this morning!

Plus, I’m sharing Bev’s headshot, which is another I’m putting in my headshot “Hall of Fame.” It captures her spirit, but it’s also environmental – you know she’s an artist the minute you look at it.

In this recent “Tuesday Tidbits” email she couldn’t be more on point with the importance of not giving up and staying in the game. I’m not suggesting it’s easy, but every business is dealing with the same challenges.

So, you’ve got a choice – stay involved and find ways to survive or throw in the towel and go back to your old job. But for most of us, there is no old job to go back to – just a dream that started way back when and it’s too much a part of who you are to give up.

By Beverly Walden

As we continue to “make adjustments” in our business, I thought I would pass along some encouraging thoughts. These thoughts are a compilation of things I have heard over the past few months.

Here we go:

  • Don’t pause. It is not ok. The photography industry and your clients are still very much active and moving forward.
  • Desperation is the set up for revelation.
  • Things are constantly changing, new technologies are emerging and what was on-trend yesterday is becoming obsolete.
  • Do projects to stretch yourself and your skills. Let your creativity run wild.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • What are the weaknesses you can work on? There are so many online courses that are either free or affordable. Take advantage of both the free ones and if you are interested, pay for those that intrigue you.
  • Nobody really knows what the economy will look like after COVID-19. So, this makes it critical that you keep your eye on the ball and brush up on what you may need to stay in the game. And don’t forget why you do what you do…it began as a passion. Don’t let it get stale.
  • Do the marketing you never had time to do before. We are beefing up our marketing and getting help from those who know more than we do, especially about digital marketing. Gone are the “word of mouth” days when it was enough.
  • We officially launched our blog that I am scheduled to write every other week along with increasing the frequency of emails to our clients to stay in touch and keep our name in their minds so we are the first ones they call when they need a portrait.

Blogs help get your name out, position yourself as an expert and keep your audience engaged. They don’t need to be a dissertation. In fact, I am finding that a few, well-constructed sentences with a great image is enough.

As we continue to think about the future, I always remember what Tim says, “Steer in the water you are in.” It is good advice!

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This article was written by
Beverly Walden

Beverly, along with her husband, Tim, took over Walden’s Photography in 1980, taking the studio in an entirely different direction when they developed their trademark “Relationship” Black and White Fine Art Portraiture. Today, they run a high-end studio, providing beautifully crafted portraits with impeccable customer service, along with Walden Coaching ( helping photographers build a stronger brand and business.

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