Keeping Things in Perspective

Keeping Things in Perspective

Intro by Skip Cohen

I know it’s always taboo, to bring God into a blog post, but regardless of what you believe, for many of us, that spiritual connection is even more important to hang onto these days.

Suzette Allen and her husband Jonny have been good friends of ours for a lot of years. That friendship got started out of respect for their skill set, but then grew from their creative spirit and the way they look at life. When it comes to looking on the bright side, they both walk the talk.

Well, finding the bright side these days is pretty tough. We’ve stopped watching the news. I’m tired of the media and the truth is that we’re doing everything we’re supposed to do – we’ve been self-quarantined and hunkered down for almost three weeks.

Suzette shared this post on St. Patrick’s Day and it got me thinking about the perspective we put on the pandemic.

My roommate from college called me the other day, just to catch up. He’s been in the health research sector his entire adult life. His perspective on this is that’s it’s a good thing because there are far worse viruses out there and if one of them got out, the US wouldn’t be set up to handle it.

So, despite the fear, anxiety and everything we’re going through now, we’ll be better prepared down the road. There is no “silver lining” in any of this, just a whole of faith and hope.

Faith…is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.

By Suzette Allen

Well, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and of course I’m looking for a lucky four-leaf clover shot, right? Not a stock image… but one of my own! I vividly remember one from the Bubble Trailer Light Tour!

So, hmmm…. where were we? Seems like near the end… oh my, so many images!!…. Dig, dig digging…. Yay, I found them!!! 

I remembered capturing these “clover” images so vividly but upon finding them, I was disappointed that they were not, in fact, clover!  But wait!~ I remembered feeling so lucky to find them waiting outside my hotel room on the way to breakfast!

“Look!!” I exclaimed, and I actually rushed back into the room for my camera to capture the dewy droplets in the beautiful morning light; “my morning lucky clover shot!”

Um….Even though it was NOT dew, luck, OR clover! HA!

But it IS a matter of perspective and how we remember things!! Isn’t that just how life is? We can tint the events in our lives so many shades by our perspective and mindset. Hopefully, we usually wear the Rose-Tinted glasses instead of the Dark Shades, right? I’m choosing to view the recent drama of the Corona Virus Crisis with hope– expecting that we WILL slow down the epidemic and we WILL discover the tools to manage health crises in the process. And, we WILL look back and say it was a GOOD thing for many people and businesses from the shift in leveraging technology and building new ways to create connections that occurred along the journey….

Yeah, let’s keep those rose-tinted (or the lucky green) shades ON because we are gonna make it through this. We can choose to rise to the challenge and make the best of it and look for the good. We can remember that we are not alone (although practicing social distancing! #awkward!) but we ARE in good hands. God is not on vacation and he deeply cares about each of us. We can be confident that our Father will care for us and meet our needs in times of crisis, and even every day! We can be confident, and we can take courage.

I can tell you from experience, even if we lose everything and find ourselves in a total disaster, He is a restorer and healer and WILL turn everything around for good. #beenthere #beenrestored #livedtotell #togetherwerise

Be strong and courageous; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. I Chronicles 28:20

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This article was written by
Suzette Allen

Suzette Allen, Lumix Ambassador and Adobe Influencer, is a long- time Photoshop instructor and Hybrid pioneer who continues to reinvent herself to stay current with the changing landscape of photography. Pursuing creativity by embracing technology has become a hallmark of her style and a continual driving force to share her creativity with the world. She passionately creates and shares her vision as a Photographer and Educator, being a lover of people AND photographic art!

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