Publicity and Marketing in the Fourth Quarter

Publicity and Marketing in the Fourth Quarter

Intro by Skip Cohen

Talking about publicity isn’t a new topic for my good buddy Bob Coates. In fact, we’ve shared three other posts previously on a similar topic. And, in looking through his archives, I ran across another post about marketing and publicity.

It’s October and we’re into the seasonality of the fourth quarter. You’re hopefully going to have a strong finish to the year, but then what? Marketing is a full time, all year long responsibility. And, you’re the only one who can keep the information pipeline about your business, and things you’re doing in the community.

So, over the next few months look for those opportunities to share things that are newsworthy involving you and the community. The concept is based on an old expression that’s never been more valid today, creating top-of-mind awareness. Top-of-mind awareness is about you being the first thing a potential client thinks about when they hear or think the word “photography.”

And, when I say look for those opportunities, even if you don’t know where you might share an image or a short post about something you’re doing, get pictures to go along with it. Start building a stash of images of you working with clients, helping out with an event or supporting a non-profit. Get the images and build the stories to go with them later on.

Don’t forget every press release is most often great content for your blog as well!

By Bob Coates

Keeping your name out in front of your community is a very important part of running your photography business. This means getting out to networking meetings, getting displays in busy businesses, social media and using every possible way to have people think of you first when the subject of photography comes up.

This story appeared in the Sedona Red Rock News

Press releases can play a big part in this area of your business. Many people say they don’t know what, or how, to write press releases. It is not terribly difficult. you can see some of my press from over the years and get some ideas on writing proper press releases, that tend to get printed, here.

There are many reasons to send out a release. For example, your business has worked on a charity project raising money for your community. Or, you have trained and received a degree, certification, participated in Imaging Competition or won an award for your photography.

Remember these releases need to be written in the third person, contain quotes from others about you and your work and quotes from yourself about what has taken place.

Here’s another article printed about my being named to the World Photographic Cup Team USA in the local entertainment paper Kudos.

In addition to the newspaper articles, the story also appeared in the online edition of Kudos. I will also be linking this article on my blog to social media posts and sending out a release on LinkedIn etc. You can see how one event can be leveraged to get lots of exposure.

Remember people need to be touched anywhere from 7-13 times in your marketing before they will begin to remember your name. Get out there. Do good things. Share what you’ve done properly. Earn more business.

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This article was written by
Bob Coates

Bob Coates is a practicing photographer, artist, Panasonic Lumix Luminary and educator. Bob coaches photographers on business, marketing, photography and Photoshop. His diversity as an artist is legendary with experiences in virtually all major specialties. He regularly teaches/presents at many of the major conventions, but also to small groups around the country. Click on his headshot to visit his Successful-Photographer blog.

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