Intro by Skip Cohen Wandering through the archives of…
Stop Worrying About Time – No Matter What, There’s Never Enough!
Knowing no matter what you do, you’re only one person and only have 24 hours in a day and seven days a week, it’s time to accept it and stop killing yourself trying to multi-task. So many of us take on more than we can, and we’re missing all the moments to “smell the roses”.
Here’s a prime example: At some point, I’m not sure when I realized I’d become a slave to social media. Every time we were away, which wasn’t that often, I spent an incredible amount of time trying to get ahead of the challenges before I left, and catching up when I got back!
While I was away, I barely took time to unplug. I spent too much time worrying about things. I was constantly haunted by the monkey on my back – all the things I wanted to get done. A few were procrastination projects I should have done earlier, but all the rest were simply in the queue.
So, today’s post as much for my personal therapy/reminder as it is for you, our readers. I’ve got a list of things I’m going to do today – just a good old-fashioned hand-written piece of paper with the things I want to get done. Yes, I’m going to make it that simple – just knock them off one at a time and celebrate when I’m done or for that matter, even if I’m not.
There’s a great piece of very old, pre-computer advice a lot of people claim to have been told by a mentor along the way in reference to paperwork, “Touch each piece of paper that comes across your desk only once – make the decisions it requires you to do and then move on.” Well, none of us deal in paper anymore, but it applies to every email, tweet, Facebook friend, etc. Read them once, decide on the course of action, respond and move on!
And, for those of you, like me, who often feel overwhelmed about not having enough time to get the things done you want and spend too much time worrying about it:
“You can’t change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying too much about the future!”
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