Thank You For Our Freedom!


On this Veteran’s Day, you might wish to participate in an initiative by the National World II Museum in New Orleans. Designed to create “1 Million Thank Yous” for our veterans, their website is encouraging you to “Add your voice by submitting a story, photo or video. It can even be as simple spreading the word via Facebook and Twitter. Help us show our veterans that their service and sacrifice is appreciated.” To participate, click here.

A tribute to all Veterans by Mark Weber, M.Photog.Cr.,MEI.,CPP, director of consulting services, Marathon Press. Mark created this collage as a tribute to his father. It scored 100 in a PPA-Affilated Print Competition.


“This image was created as a tribute to my father who served in World War II.  He saw action in the Philippines.  The stories he shared about his war experiences could range from absolutely hilarious to incredibly horrific.  In short, he felt the war had robbed him of his youth but he was never bitter about it.  He said he left home a child and came back a man.  That’s what this print represents.  Reading from left to right it starts with images of him as a child and then transitions into the military.  The small details that will be hard to see in this presentation include his draft letter, a portion of a letter he wrote to his parents, and some various medals and personal papers.  The image on the right was the last portrait I created of my father before he passed away.  It was emotional to watch this image come around when it was judged in print competition and I was completely blown away when it scored a perfect 100.

We owe much to those that serve our country.  I look at this print everyday and it reminds me of that.”


“This image is of my father in law George “Pat” Kelly.  It’s called “Tail Gunner”.  He was in World War II and stationed in Africa and served as a tail gunner in a B-26 Marauder.  His stories were nothing short of fascinating.  He escaped death so many times by luck, chance and action he learned in basic training.  He was always skilled with a gun while growing up and the Air Force quickly recognized while in training and he ended up fighting the war from a claustrophobic compartment thousands of feet in the air surrounded by thousands of rounds of ammunition.

He used to take me out fishing around the back woods of Nebraska.  I always carried my camera with me and he was always willing to stop to allow me to take some photographs whenever I asked.  He would even suggest some places along he way.  The image of him on the right in this print was taken on one of those occasions in front of an abandoned house.  Completely unplanned and a moment in time that makes it that much more meaningful to me because of that.

You won’t be able to see the small details in this due to the size but it reads from left to right and includes images of him as a small boy and transitions into the military and ends with the final portrait I did of him.  In between are pieces of his diary, war medals, old Air Force images that include some of the planes he shot down, and a map of an area of the world he fought over.

Thank you to all the veterans like my father Dale Weber, father in law Pat Kelly, and active military personnel that provided the freedom we enjoy today.”

Mark Weber M.Photog., Cr., MEI., CPP | director, consulting services

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