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Things I Can’t Believe Photoshop Can Do!
Photoshop and Lightroom are every photographer’s best friend. We couldn’t operate without them anymore. And as long as I’ve been using both, there are still things I can’t believe Photoshop can do.
I started in the film days and I remember purchasing a book that was on Darkroom techniques that required a tremendous amount of luck (and even dexterity) to accomplish the creative results.
There was also the “push processing” of film or “overcooking” to create a semi-predictable result that was artsy and unique. There’s a part of that process I sort of miss as it was more hands-on. And the unpredictability part also added a bit to the experience. But having said that? I would not trade any of that in place of Photoshop today.
There’s magic every time I open Photoshop. Maybe it’s my age but I never take for granted what Photoshop allows us to do technically and artistically. It saves us time and it saves our skin sometimes. It fixes things in a way that film or our lab never could. The money it saves allows us to overshoot, test, and play and provides us instant gratification. It has raised the quality of print competition to a level never imagined just a few short years ago.
While EVERYTHING about Photoshop impresses me, here are some of the top things I can’t believe Photoshop can do –
Select focus area
There are many ways to select objects in Photoshop, including the wand, marquee and color selection, but few people realize you can select an area based on the field of focus in the image.
All you need to do is choose: Select > Focus to bring up a dialogue box, where you can refine the selection and use a brush to manually add or remove areas. Once you’re happy with your selection, you get a choice of outputs, such as selection, new layer and layer mask. This works well on images with clearly defined focus distances and shallow depths of field.
Check out this tutorial video –
Match font
As one person once wrote, the Match Font function is to fonts what Shazam is to music, analyzing the text in an image and deducing what font is being used.
To match a font use the marquee tool to select the text in an image, activate Type > Match Font, and let technology take care of the rest. Match font will provide you with a list of fonts similar to the one selected, separating them into those already installed on your system and others available for download from Type kit (Adobe’s font library). This will also be a good tool to use if a client ever asks you to alter a pre-made design or recreate one from scratch.
Here’s a link to see it work –
Spot Healing Brush
The Spot Healing Brush tool allows you to fix things in seconds. It’s a Godsend when:
- Removing blemishes on the skin.
- Lines or blemishes from sensor dirt.
- Power lines from telephone poles in the image.
- Dust and scratches in Copy & Restoration images
Here’s a link to watch it in action –
Focus Stacking
If you do macro photography of something like flowers, this is awesome. You know how shallow the depth of field is with macro? This allows you to combine (stack) various focus points of your subject you shot and combine them to make one sharp image from front to back. It never ceases to amaze me when I use this. It’s like magic.
Many of today’s cameras have the ability to pre-set the number of increments of focus points to do automatically (with your camera on a tripod of course). MIOPS also sells a camera slider that allows you to you’re your camera to make precision focus shots that way as well. Check it out here –
This & Batch may be the MVP of Photoshop. It allows you to capture all of the steps needed to transform a file and let you apply them with just one click. And with a single click, you can take the creative photo effect and workflow steps from another artist and add them to your own picture, creating everything from improved portraits to radically altered double-images.
Watch this link –
Batch often goes hand in hand with Actions. The image processing in Photoshop is based on recorded actions so you can apply them later to several images with just a few clicks. This saves you a ton of time when you have to deal with many images.
Here’s an example video –
Quick Selection Tool/Select Subject
This tool allows you to automatically select the main subject in order to separate it from the background in order to put it into a new background or. It is remarkably accurate most of the time but even when it needs a little tweaking it saves you tons of time cutting out your subject.
Watch it in action here – Quick Selection Tool
Auto People Remover
This one is more of a technique than a single brush. But it’s amazing. This allows you to remove people (and in this example multiple people) from an image. And since a video is worth a thousand words just check this out –
What can’t you believe Photoshop can do? What amazes you? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. What was your first version of Photoshop?
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