Tips For Using Props

Tips For Using Props

Props in photos are one of those things that will probably never go away. Seniors like to have their instruments or sports gear with them to show what they did in high school. Children love their toys and sweet treats. Newborn pictures are just not the same without a fuzzy blanket or a cute bow. The list goes on and on for the different props people use and why they want to use them.

It is so easy for props to become the center focus in photos. Lynsey Mattingly gives six things to remember about props in her article “Props Are Evil: How To Use Them For Good.” When you are using props it is important to remember to:

  1. Make it Natural
  2. Make it Different
  3. Make it Simple
  4. Make it Meaningful
  5. Make it Timeless
  6. Make it Make Sense

These six things are so important to remember! If you get stuck using props in the unnatural, bland and old way that everyone else seems to be doing, you will soon hate using props. By taking a new approach to using props, you will be creating a photo that the client and you will love. Be adventurous and break the traditional molds!

You can read Lynsey Mattingly’s full article at

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