To Blog or Not to Blog

To Blog or Not to Blog

Intro by Skip Cohen

You shouldn’t be in business today without a website. And, I’m convinced everyone should have a blog. Now, before a few of you start rolling your eyes here’s why:

Your website is about what you sell, but your blog is about what’s in your heart. The two work together and help to build a stronger brand and presence in the community, but you need to do it right!

  • Post at least twice a week – consistency is a key. Always on the same day and time.
  • Stay with topics relevant to your readership.
  • Be helpful.
  • Keep your posts to 100-200 words and always have something visual to go with each post – either a photograph or illustration. Note: You can go a lot longer in your posts, but this is the minimum.
  • Hate to write? No problem – visit the high school and find an English teacher or an “A” student willing to do a little moonlighting. You can do the draft and have them do the editing.
  • Just too busy? Build up a stash of posts. Everything you blog doesn’t have to be in near real time. For example, as a working photographer, you’re qualified to share tips on how to capture better images. Remember, the target for most of you is Mom. She could use a little help on composition, posing, even fill flash – give her the help she needs in your posts. Come up with ten tips for better family pictures.

Here’s the point – thanks to social media each of us has the potential reach that years ago only magazines and newspapers had. A blog combined with your website increases your presence and helps to build a stronger brand!

By Sarah Petty

As small business owners and managers, we struggle every day with the demands that are put on our time. To come up with new content a few times a week for a marketing blog seems crazy and a huge waste when we don’t even know what the return for our business will be, right?

Those who blog see*:

  • 55% more visitors to their web site
  • 97% more links to their web site which is a primary factor in where your web site shows up in search results

It’s pretty eye-opening, but when you think about it, it just makes sense. After all, why would people come back to your web site if you aren’t constantly updating it? Do you give your clients a reason to check back in with you? Or will they see the same thing 6 months from now that they see today on your web site?

Given the nature of most small businesses, we don’t have the time, resource, or even the need to add page after page of new content each month. Our products may not change, but how we present them should. And the quickest, easiest way to do this is with your blog. Whether it be announcing a promotion or special event or if you’re a photographer just showing off your latest background or new images, you’ve got the content you need for a blog. So go ahead. Blog about your business. The results will speak for themselves!

*Courtesy of HubSpot


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This article was written by
Sarah Petty

Sarah is a New York Times best-selling author, highly-acclaimed speaker, author, MBA and coach who started her own boutique photography studio after working for Coca Cola for 20 years and then meeting the marketing goals of a top regional advertising agency’s clients. She attributes the rapid growth of her boutique photography studio, which was named one of the most profitable in the country within just five years in business by PPA, to the creation of her own strong brand. Click on Sarah's photograph to visit her blog.

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