Youth Sports League Photographers – Need a Competitive Edge to Book More Business?

Youth Sports League Photographers – Need a Competitive Edge to Book More Business?

Marathon’s Sports Bag Tag program may be the answer.  Here’s how it works: 

Close the deal by offering a FREE sports portrait bag tag with the purchase of any of your packages. This is a $5 retail value, but it costs you only .50 – .75 each depending on which packaging you offer. The Leagues will appreciate this valuable gift for each buyer and they serve a useful purpose. Many sports bags look alike and the photo ID tags will help keep them sorted out.

Would it be worth an “investment” of between .50 and .75 per buyer to sign a new league? Of course, it would! Just be sure to indicate that this is a “signing bonus” for the first year only and that bag tags will be available for purchase in subsequent years of the contract.

Another successful tactic in using Sports Bag Tags is to offer them as a fundraiser for the league. Provide one finished bag tag per player previously photographed on picture day to the league to sell for $5 each as a fundraiser. They set up a table near the concession stand to display and sell the bag tags as an impulse purchase to players and parents. Let them keep 50% of what’s actually sold to support their fundraising efforts, with you getting the other 50% to not only pay for all the bag tags printed but your profit as well.

On a Youth Sports League of 500 players, typical expectations are that about 60% of the bag tags will sell.  That’s 300 tags sold at $5 each or $1500 collected by the league. They keep half ($750) which is new “found” money they’ve never had.  Won’t that make them happy?  Your share is $750, but after taking out the cost of all the bag tags (500 x .75 or $375) you make an extra $375 PROFIT.  Doesn’t that make it all worth it?  Click now or contact an Account Representative for more info.

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